Dear Guest, Regio Augsburg Tourismus GmbH. We provide you with rooms and other individual tourist services (e.g. guided tours, events, excursions, exhibitions, third-party hotel packages...) as well as package tours offered by third-party tour operators in accordance with our booking offer. Insofar as Regio Augsburg Tourismus GmbH is arranging third-party services for you, it acts as a reservation agency in the name and for the account of the provider of accommodation, provider of other services or tour operator. Contractual relationships regarding the service provided prevail only between the guest and the provider of other services or tour operator. The service is provided at the provider´s own responsibility. Your contractual partner(s) is/are solely liable for the performance of the service in accordance with the contract. An agency contract is concluded between the guest and Regio Augsburg Tourismus GmbH when a reservation is made. Within the framework of this agency contract, Regio Augsburg Tourismus GmbH is obliged to provide comprehensive information, advice and proper handling of the provided service. In the event of complaint(s), the guest should therefore immediately and directly contact his contractual partner (provider of accommodation and/or other services, tour operator, etc.) and demand remedy. If the latter does not remedy the complaint, Regio Augsburg Tourismus GmbH will be happy to mediate. The terms and conditions of the individual contracting party apply. In the case of the mediation of services to resellers, Regio Augsburg Tourismus GmbH provides a pure agency service. The following general terms and conditions of Regio Augsburg Tourismus GmbH apply.
1. Terms and conditions for guided tours: Read more2. Terms and conditions for public guided tours: Read more
3. Terms and conditions for hotel reservation: Read more
4. Terms and conditions for raffle: Read more5. Terms and conditions for boot rental: Read more
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